I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father that loves me enough to want my happiness as much as I do and knows me well enough to make a plan for me better than I can
I'm grateful for all the unanswered prayers that pave the road to the fulfillment of that plan.
I'm thankful for the answers to prayers that helped me to wait somewhat patiently
I'm thankful for the atonement of my Savior that made it possible for me to wait without crippling pain
I'm grateful to live in a country where adoption is possible and in a time where it happens
I'm grateful for scriptural examples of women who understood my trial
I'm grateful for friends I have made because of infertility and adoption and for the love and support they have given me
I'm grateful that infertility didn't drive Ryan and me apart
I'm grateful we had 9 years to enjoy each other before adding more people to the mix, and for the fun we had together, and still have.
I'm grateful for these years we've had to focus so much attention on Abby and just enjoy her amazingness.
I'm grateful for the opportunities I had to serve because I didn't have the responsibility of being a parent.
I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to go to school and work for a few years - for the things I learned, and especially the people I met.
I'm grateful for Cheyenne's courage - first to say no to abortion, and then to break her heart for Abby
I'm grateful for Abby's birth dad, who we have no relationship with but still contributed to making my amazing princess. I'm also grateful he never put up a fight about the adoption.
I'm grateful for Cheyenne's family, for their love of Abby and for our friendship with them.
I'm grateful for open adoption so that Abby can always have her questions and know she has always been wanted and loved. And so we can have Cheyenne and her family in our lives.
I'm grateful to have Abby in our lives - she's my favorite little person! As my sister put it, she's sunshine
I'm grateful I get to be her mom, and that I get to parent with Ryan.
I'm grateful we were able to afford our adoption.
I'm grateful for all the prayers said on our behalf that our family would grow, and for those who prayed them.
I'm thankful for all the people who rejoiced with us when Abby joined us - I don't think any child was greeted with more joy (well, maybe Christ), and I have never felt so loved.
I'm thankful for all the incredible milk donors who helped me keep Abby fed and full of nutrients. These women did it at their own expense, of time and money, for a total stranger. That kind of service is amazing.
I'm especially grateful for our biggest milk donor - my sister Maggi who pumped for us for 9 MONTHS, without even knowing if we would get a baby in time to use it!
I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had to share our adoption journey and help people understand better what adoption is all about.
I'm grateful for family and friends who share our desire to adopt with others - that's how Abby came to us, a friend telling a friend
So much to be thankful for!
Songs for today: "Blessings" by Laura Story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOOFAaUGfRE) and "Beautiful Heartbreak" by Hillary Weeks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyX-I-um5Kk - this video may make you cry, it's beautiful!). Other good ones for today are "God Blessed the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts, and "Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks
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