Friday, November 7, 2014

Already Happening

I mentioned before that the Wednesday after we met Abby we were finally added to the list of people who were allowed to visit her without Cheyenne having to be there. After that I spent every minute I could with her. I was there all day Wednesday. That evening Ryan stopped by on his way home from work. While there he gave her a blessing, it was beautiful. In it he told her she wouldn't have any lasting complications as a result of the difficulties of her delivery. That he only reason she'd had those problems was so she could get to the family she needed to be with. It felt so good to know that this was all part of Heavenly Father's plan, and the she was OUR little girl, the one we had been waiting for.
Last month Ryan and I went on a trip to New England. We spent one morning at the Boston Temple (the LDS temple.) We did an endowment session there (if you would like to know more about what that is let me know.) In the temple we receive a LOT of blessings. Several of the blessings refer to the proper functioning of our bodies and having posterity. I have always wondered about the realization of those blessings. If our bodies were functioning properly wouldn't we have conceived children by now. As far as I know I have never once been pregnant. We are not celibate. So... Anyway, this day in the Boston Temple as I was being promised that I would have posterity and my body would function properly I was again pondering when the realization of this blessing would occur. And then I was told that it already has. I have a daughter that I was told in court and in the temple (at our adoption finalization and then at our family sealing) that she is ours just as if she had been born to us. And our bodies are functioning just as Heavenly Father wants them to so that we can have the family he has planned for us. Our bodies are just right.
Two songs for today: "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri ( and "Meant to Be" by Steven Curtis Chapman (

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