1) My Saviour and all that He has done for me - particularly the Atonement
2) The restoration of the gospel
3) Ryan, my fantastic husband
4) My parents - they are the best parents anyone could hope for
5) My sisters - I loved growing up in an all girl home and I loved having a big family and I still love having a big family
6) My fantastic brothers-in-law - I think each one of them is perfect for my sister they married and I am so grateful to have them in my family
7) All 20 of my nieces and nephews and the 3 more ont he way - I LOVE being and aunt and I have so much fun playing and hanging out with them, they're the best!
8) My grandparents - I feel very blessed that not only did I get to know all of my grandparents and so I still get to have them as part of my life even though they are no longer living, but that they were wonderful grandparents.
9) My extended family - I was lucky that both my parents grew up in Las Vegas so the majority of my extended family was all around me. Holidays were always exciting and filled with relatives and even though I do not have a ton of cousins (only 11 total) I love them all and am glad I know them and have them and my aunts and uncles too and all my cousins kids.
10) My husbands family - I am super blessed in this department. They are so good to me and I really like them. They are some of our favorite people to spend our time with and I am grateful that we have been able to live close to them the past 5+ years so I could get to know them well.
8) My friends - I have always been blessed with great friends and I am so lucky and I love you all and am grateful.
11) My education - I loved school and even though I have forgotten more than I remember, I am grateful for what I do remember and for the good teachers I have had along the way.
12) Missionaries - I am grateful for the entire missionary program. I am grateful for the missionaries who serve now, I am grateful for the opportuinity I had to serve a mission, and I am grateful for the missionaries who taught my grandparents.
13) Freedom - How blessed I am to live in this great country and for all the freedoms I enjoy here.
14) My house - I have never been homeless or even worried that I would be, I'm very blessed.
15) Two working, low gas milage cars - they aren't fancy, but they get the job done and I love that.
16) Always having enough to eat and never worrying about being hungry
17) Clean water
18) Modern-day medicine
19) The holiday season
20) The leaders of The Church
21) Temples
22) The Priesthood
23) Eternal Families
24) All of my favorite things (I will do a post about what they are some other time)
25) My body - I am grateful for the health and functions of it.
26) This incredibly beautiful world and the chances I have had to travel and see parts of it
27) Hugh Riley - He is one of the most giving and selfless people I have ever met (the only other person I can think that I know personally that is as giving is my mom). He taught Ryan and me to scuba dive not only for free, but at a cost to himself. And he has done this for literally thousands. He is a fantastic example.
28) Service opportunities
29) Ryan's and my great jobs - very lucky, especially in such rough economic times.
30) Mylife - I have lead a very blessed life, I know this, I love my life and I am very grateful for it!
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