Conversations with Abby...
Me: "I love you so much!"
Abby: "Cheyenne loves me so much she grew me in her tummy"
Me: "True!"
Me: "I love you so much!"
Abby: "Cheyenne loves me so much she grew me in her tummy"
Me: "True!"
Later that same day we were reading our Abby book (a photo book I made that tells our family story, particularly about how Abby joined us.) When we got to the first page of pictures of her and Cheyenne she pointed at one and said "That's my Cheyenne". I LOVE that she will never wonder if she was placed for adoption because she was unloved or unwanted. She KNOWS just how much she has always been loved, wanted, and cherished! #openadoption #adoptionrocks #welovebirthmoms