Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting to Know Me

So my sister sent me this in an email in September, and I am just now getting around to it - but I thought I would put it here as well.

Here is the new 2008 edition of getting to know your family and friends.
Here is what you are supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the
fun. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a
bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person who sent it to you.
Some of you may get this several times; that means you have lots of friends.
The easiest way to do it is to hit 'forward' so you can change the answers
or copy and paste. Have fun and be truthful!

1. What is your occupation right now? Well, I wouldn't really claim to have an occupation, but I work at Sylvan Learning Center part-time as a tutor and I am also doing a part-time post-doc at The Center for Brain Health where we research memory

2. What color are your socks right now? cream

3. What are you listening to right now? the washing machine & dryer and my oven-timer, better go check it

4. What was the last thing that you ate? a banana

5. Can you drive a stick shift? of course, which is a good thing because in some countires it costs more to rent a car if you will only rent automatic - I hate being limited - Thank you parents for demanding we all learn to drive stick

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Ryan

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? of course, I love all my sisters

8. How old are you today? 29

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Gymnastics

10. What is your favorite drink? water

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Never. (Unless lemon juice counts as a dye)

12. Favorite food? favorite? I am not very good at favorites, but my mom's tacos are my favorites I suppose

13. What is the last movie you watched? Skipping Christmas

14. Favorite day of the year? Christmas or Thanksgiving - I love them both, I mainly just like to be with my family so whatever makes that possible is great

15. How do you vent anger? I would claim frustration more often than anger - but if I were to ever say I was truly angry I would probably be yelling - this is not a good thing, but as the last time I remember this happening was before my mission, maybe it is not too bad. I should find a better outlet though - any ideas?

16. What was your favorite toy as a child? Here's another favorite question - not so good at these. I don't think I had one. I liked to play with people, not so much by myself. I was lucky because I had lots of sisters, and my best-friend lived across the street. I guess the toys Wendi (my best-friend) and I played witht he most were Barbies, but we spent more tiem setting up the houses than actually playing with them. Mostly I liked things that let me be imaginative - so school was fun, house, cars, Barbies, things like that.

17. What is your favorite season? Spring or Fall - I am not so good at favorites - in Texas I would probably pick Spring just because I love the wild flowers here so much, but anywhere else I love the two equally

18. Cherries or Blueberries? Fresh cherries. Mmmmmmmmm.

19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? Yes

20. When was the last time you cried? Not sure, but it probably wasn't super long ago, within the last month at least, but not because of being sad or upset, just emotional

21. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes, bottles of water, some belts, a few bags, one laundry pile, a safe, a box of "stuff"

22. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this too? Well, if you count family, then there's a huge tie between family members - especially since I will only be emailing this to family

22. What did you do last night? worked on editing DVDs of our trips

23. What are you most afraid of? failure, I just prefer to be successful - but luckily I know the atonement will make up where I fall short as long as I try my hardest

24. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburger? I would take a spicy cheeseburger

25. Favorite dog breed? Favorites again, are you kidding me? Well, I adored our Irish Setter, I want a lab, I love my sister's Weim, I think Golden Retreivers are fantastic, I really like Cockerspaniels and Bassethounds - and I am sure there are tons of breeds that I would also love but am not as familiar with. I generally prefer big dogs to small dogs.

26. Favorite day of the week? I prefer the weekend so I can spend time with Ryan

27. How many states have you lived in? Nevada, Utah, California, Texas - 4

28. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds, but I would take pearls too - diamonds are my birthstone though

29. What is your favorite flower? I love gerber daisies, daffodils, tulips, roses - I love the wild flowers in Texas, and in Alaska (they are ENORMOUS there), orchids, calalilys - I just like flowers

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