Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Genius Girl

She might be a genius! I haven't actually done an IQ test to confirm it, but here is some evidence leading to my suspicion: She has counted to 3 completely on her own without any cueing: has pointed to a letter A that we have never identified and said "A"; has pointed to a 3 we have also not identified and said "3"; can identify nearly any animal (at least ones common enough to be at our zoo), even if they are drawings she has never seen (and knows many animal sounds); can identify most modes of transportation; if shown a book and asked where something is she almost always points to the right thing; is pretty darn good with color identification; and spends more time with books than toys. I do realize most people think their children are exceptional and that since she is my first and only chidl I don't have a great comparison so I may be a little biased, but until I'm proven wrong I am going to continue believe she is brilliant!

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