Friday, May 30, 2014


I realize that to pretty much everyone in the world those are just some scribbles - to me they are about as beautiful as any piece of art in the world. The vision that comes from waiting for things for YEARS!

Brilliant Awesomeness

Further evidence of my daughter's extreme awesomeness (as if any more proof was needed!)... Last week we checked out several Fancy Nancy books from the library and have been reading them since then. I was reading to her one of the called Stellar Stargazer. Fancy Nancy is awesome because it teaches vocabulary, but also other interesting things. In this one it teaches a little about constellations and other star-related things. As we were reading one page she pointed at a constellation and said "Orion". Granted, the picture of the warrior overlaid the layout of the stars, but still. I think she had only read that book maybe twice before, and Orion isn't a word we use often (really ever). Like I said, extreme awesomeness!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Animal Charmer

Abby is so sweet to our dog Penny. She'll be in the middle of playing, notice Penny, and take a break to go over and pet her and talk to her. A couple days ago there was a lot of rain along with thunder and lighting. This always makes Penny nervous and the thunder was sufficiently loud to make Abby nervous too. But when it would happen she would go over to Penny and pet her and tell her it was okay. So cute!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's a Cardinal

Yesterday we were at Ryan's parent's house. Abby was in the kitchen eating. When she is there she likes to look out the window where a bird feeder hangs from the tree and watch all the birds. As Ryan looked out the window he said "a red bird". Abby looked out and said "cardinal." She was absolutely right - she's two!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Getting her Texas on - check out that handle-bar smoothie-stache

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother By Miracle

My amazing miracle, Abigail. The family that Cheyenne had chosen to place with backed out when there were complications during her delivery leaving her without oxygen for an extended period of time. The doctors told them all the possible long-term side effects and they decide they didn't want the risk, that they weren't prepared for a special needs child. Lucky for us they made that choice! And if they were to see her now they would know that they missed out HUGE. She is BRILLIANT - honestly, she has reached every milestone early, everyone thinks she is 3 (she just turned 2), she does jig-saw puzzles better than most 3 and 4 year-olds, she can sing most of her ABCs, count to 13 on her own, she KNOWS Jesus, has a ridiculous memory - really she's just amazing. I'm quite positive there is no cuter kids in the world - not only is she beautiful but she has the most fun personality. She's funny, she's fun, she's kind - honestly, there is nothing about her not to love. She loves life - she loves books, balls, puzzles, imaginative play, hide and seek, tag, swinging, babies, dancing, tunes, talking on the phone, life. I'm so incredibly grateful to be her mama! Thanks for making me a mom my miracle - I love you so much!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Chosen, Loved, Adopted

Happy Birthmother's Day!

Happy Birthmother's Day!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthmother's Day always comes the day before Mother's day. I recently learned it was started in 1990 by a groups of birthmoms who wanted to join together in educating people on birthmoms, a day for them to be honored and respected for their incredible decision of love.
My very favorite birthmom in the world is of course Abby's birthmom, Cheyenne. She is the one that made us parents, she made it so I'm a Mother, she created Abby (the MOST INCREDIBLE little person in the world!) and continues to love her with her heart and soul. There are no words to express the love and gratitude that adoptive parents feel for birthmothers, especially their children's birthparents. There is nothing they can do or say that ends that love - because we know that it was because of their love that we received the desires of our hearts, to be parents. Cheyenne, I will love you for always!

Mothers think about and love their children always


Monday, May 5, 2014

Discernment and Adoption

My awesome adoption friend, Jammie, created this and said:

May we always remember to overshadow the dark with His light. 

I had the pleasure of speaking to a birth mother this evening whose pain breaks my heart. Yet her strength inspires me. 

May we all remember our eternal value and not the value the world tries to convince us to claim. Many hugs going out to all of you who might be hurting at this time. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Adoption Language Taboo

My friends and family are so awesome that I haven't received many comments like these, but in case you are wondering about some things not to say to adoptive (or birth) parents...

Love At First Sight